$44.06 /Mo
Report Problem- Amsterdam
- Dallas
- Moscow
CPU: 8 coresSSD: 180 GBRAM: 8192 MBConnection: 400 MBPSSWAP: 5120 MBMonthly bandwidth: 12 TB
SSD onlyTop edge servers DELL R530OpenVZ virtualizationSolusVM Management panelWeekly backupsUSA, Netherlands or Russia locationBasic managed servicesMoney back guarantee 30 daysFree IPv6 in EUand more...
With unmanaged VPS you get root access to server and manage it yourself.
With managed VPS you manage your websites through control panel ISPmanager 5 Lite or SSH.
It's as easy as shared hosting. We install CentOS 7 64bit and a control panel for you. Basic managed services are free.
For the rest we offer paid managed services.